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Frequently Asked Questions

This page features the frequently asked questions that we receive from our customers related to Cambridge Pixel products and services. If you need help and support, please get in touch with us at: [email protected]

RDR Data Recorder

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What kinds of data can RDR capture? 

RDR can capture radar video, radar tracks, AIS and ADS-B reports, camera video, audio and arbitrary network packets. It can also record the contents of a screen.

How long can RDR record for? 

There is no intrinsic limit to the length of recordings; it is limited by available disk space. RDR supports rolling recording where data older than, for example, 30 days is automatically deleted.

How can I analyse the radar video data in and RDR recording? 

RDR’s replay capability synchronously outputs network streams from each of the individual data sources in the original recording. Analysis of the radar video can be performed in MATLAB using SPx Open Access.

How can I analyse track movements from an RDR recording? 

RDR populates an SQL database with track messages while recording. Results can be filtered using SQL structured queries, and the results can be exported to a .csv file for import into Microsoft Excel or alternate packages for analysis. The SQL feature and its use is fully described in Section 22 of the User Manual, including examples.

I want to record data from my own proprietary sensor or system simultaneously with radar data. Can RDR do this? 

Yes, an open RDR channel can be set up to record network data, so provided that your sensor or system outputs to a network, the traffic can be recorded and replayed, like any other channel. If your sensor outputs on an RS232, 422 or 485 serial channel, and your computer has a suitable interface, Cambridge Pixel can also provide a serial-to-network utility, to allow the data to be recorded.

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