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Cambridge Pixel Sensor Acquisition, Processing and Display Solutions Cambridge Pixel Sensor Acquisition, Processing and Display Solutions

Maritime Surveillance

Advanced Monitoring of Off-shore Traffic
Borders, Assets & Infrastructure.

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Providing solutions to customers in more than 50+ countries worldwide

Vessel Traffic to Coastal Security

Flexible solutions to support protecting off-shore assets, securing restricted areas and managing vessel traffic.

Software Solutions, Developer Tools & Radar Interfacing

Modular software for marine radar and camera-based systems, or rapidly develop your own VMS / VTS / security application using our libraries.

Maritime Solutions Diagram
Maritime Surveillance
Maritime Surveillance

Supporting Most Marine Applications

Asset protection, collision avoidance, border protection, search and rescue, traffic monitoring and more.

"We have worked with Cambridge Pixel for many years and have been impressed by their engineers' sensor expertise and their technical support to us and our integration partners. Also, the company was willing to customise their RadarWatch software to support a long-range acoustic and searchlight device (LRAD-RX). This allows the operator to audibly alert approaching vessels using either a microphone or a set of pre-recorded audio sounds."

Frank Cobis, Vice President and General Manager

Klein Marine Systems

80+ Radars Supported

Capture of radar video from most major radar manufacturers.
Supported Radars ›

Maritime Surveillance Case Studies

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events calendar   Next event: Visit us at AUSA, Booth #8309 (with EIZO Rugged) | 14-16 Oct, Washington, USA.