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Cambridge Pixel Sensor Acquisition, Processing and Display Solutions Cambridge Pixel Sensor Acquisition, Processing and Display Solutions

Naval Defence

Supplying the world’s most advanced naval defence forces
with radar acquisition, processing and display capabilities.

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Providing solutions to customers in more than 50+ countries worldwide

US Navy & UK Royal Navy Trusted

Field-proven technology in over 100 military vessels and by prime system integrators including BAE Systems & Lockheed Martin.

Supporting Navy System Integrators

Fast and cost-effective solutions to add reliable radar, camera and sensor processing or display capabilities to projects including Combat Management System (CMS) upgrades and Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV) systems.  

Naval Defence
Naval Defence

Flexible Software & Developer Tools for Naval Applications

Modular software, developer frameworks and testing tools for radar scan conversion, tracking, fusion, recording, simulation and display.

Naval Solutions Diagram

“We chose the Cambridge Pixel HPx-250 PMC card because it satisfied our three key requirements in a low powered, small form factor solution. The Cambridge Pixel team has also worked closely with NAWC WOLF personnel during development and responded to requests for unique modifications in an economical and timely manner.”

David Kenney, Electronics Engineer

Naval Air Warfare Center's Shipboard ATC and Landing Systems

80+ Radars Supported

Capture of radar video from most major radar manufacturers.
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Naval Defence Case Studies

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events calendar   Next event: Visit us at AUSA, Booth #8309 (with EIZO Rugged) | 14-16 Oct, Washington, USA.