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Application Notes

Application notes for our products can be found below. These provide information on using our products for specific applications.

App Notes

Avoiding Ground Loops in Radar Signal Connections App Note
Digital to Analogue Radar Video Conversion App Note
Distributing Composite Radar Data App Note
Furuno Network Radar Interfacing and Applications App Note
Furuno Radar Interfacing App Note
Generating Track Message Data App Note
Inserting Radar Video into an Existing Graphics Application App Note
JRC Radar Interfacing App Note
Key Benefits of the Software Solution for Radar Scan Conversion App Note
Moving Target Detection and Multi Channel Scan Conversion Presentation App Note
Multi Radar Scan Conversion App Note
Radar and Video Distribution Typical Network Data Rates App Note
Radar Video Range Correction Using a Plugin App Note
Raymarine Network Radar Interfacing and Applications App Note
RDC True and Relative Trails with Moving Platform App Note
Recognising and Mitigating the Effects of Sidelobes App Note
Running SPx Applications as Services App Note
Scan Conversion Software Architectures App Note
Scan Conversion Trails Colours App Note
Scan Converting to a Bitmap App Note
Serial to Network Data Conversion App Note
Sperry Radar Interfacing App Note
Successful Configuration of HPx Cards App Note
Synchronised Multi Channel Recording App Note
True and Relative Trails with Moving Platform App Note
Using C++ Classes in .NET Code App Note
Tracking from Video in SPx Server App Note
New MBT Extensions to SPx Server App Note