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How Do We Test Our Radar Processing Cards

How Do We Test Our Radar Processing Cards

One of Cambridge Pixel’s major product lines is radar interface hardware, also known as the HPx card range. These cards perform a range of radar processing tasks, such as signal conversion, radar input and output. They are available as bare cards or built into a variety of enclosures.  An HPx card may be supplied in an enclosure as an off-the-shelf turnkey solution that does not need to be mounted in a PC by the customer (thus simplifying installation). Standard enclosures are already available in a range of sizes that cover most needs - but for certain specific applications, HPx cards can be mounted into custom rack-mounted enclosures according to the customer's requirements.

Every Cambridge Pixel HPx card undergoes a rigorous testing regime in our laboratory here on site. Typically, the testing process covers five distinct phases, finishing off with further assembly, packaging or enclosure fitting if that’s what is required by the customer:

  1. Assembly
  2. Programming and Configuration
  3. Electrical Testing
  4. Response Recording
  5. Soak Testing/Burning In
  6. Assembly/Packaging


Testing begins with hardware assembly (some cards require the fitting of metal brackets, link jumpers and other hardware).

Radar Card Assembly

Programming and Configuration

This is followed by firmware programming and configuration. After passing this stage, all cards have a firmware version number, part number and serial number attached...

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