Radar Video Combiner - Merge Radar Feeds | Cambridge Pixel

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Radar Video Combiner

Merge Radar Feeds

Combine two streams of network radar video into a single radar video output.

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Radar Video Combiner
Radar Video Combiner

Infill Missing or Poor Coverage

Merge two obstructed radar feeds for a full 360° view or to infill sections of poor or unreliable coverage.

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Key Features

Combines two overlapping radar videos.

Combine two streams of network radar video.

The application takes in two independent streams of network radar video and combines them into a single, unified radar video output.

Output Merged Data Like Real Radar Feed

Output radar video data is still in the polar domain and therefore appears as if it were a real radar feed to any receiving software. Additionally, since the output network stream is fully configurable, independently of the input streams, the Radar Video Combiner may be used as a lightweight distribution server.

Supports Different Radar Setups

The radars providing the input videos may be completely independent, operating asynchronously and physically offset from each other. Additionally, there is no requirement for the radars to be operating at the same range or even to have the same rotation rate. The output data is slaved to the rotation of one of the radars, designated the "master" radar, in order to minimise latency.

Processes Overlapping Data

Where the radars have overlaps in their coverage the Radar Video Combiner can select which data is used, effectively mosaicking the inputs together and preventing timing artefacts. Furthermore, video samples may be "tagged" with the input source, allowing receivers to know which radar contributed to the sample and process/display them differently if required.

Radar Video Combiner

Radar Video Combiner Details

Extra Info


A typical use for the Radar Video Combiner is to present an operator with a radar image for the full 360° coverage where the main radar's coverage is interrupted by a persistent obstacle. For example on-board a ship the navigation radar may often have a blind sector due to the ship's superstructure. The Radar Video Combiner can take the video from the navigation radar and an infill radar, mounted aft, and present a continuous, uninterrupted radar picture to the display.

Typical application areas for the Radar Video Combiner include: windfarm mitigation, security installations and coastal surveillance. Essentially anywhere where a main radar has a region of poor or unreliable coverage that may be covered by a second radar.


In the event of loss of either input channel the Radar Video Combiner degrades gracefully, outputting the best available data at the time. This means the Radar Video Combiner may be used to offer a level of redundancy if fed with inputs derived from the same radar source. Alternatively, it can be used as an automatic failover switch between a main radar and an auxiliary one.

  • Combines two overlapping radar videos
  • Accepts ASTERIX CAT-240 inputs
  • ASTERIX CAT-240 output
  • 8-bit or 16-bit input data sample support
  • Output 8-bit or 16-bit samples
  • ZLIB compression support
  • Configuration file
  • Network socket remote control interface
  • Automatic failover (redundancy)
  • Master/slave operation, with graceful degradation
  • Mosaicking of overlap coverage
  • Available for Windows and Linux
Radar Video Combiner Datasheet
Cambridge Pixel Product Summary Brochure
Radar Solution
Radar Video Combiner Overview
Radar Solution
Example of Combined Radar Video
Radar Solution
Combined Video
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