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Publish date: 28/04/2011

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Cambridge Pixel unveils the HPx-200 PCI-based radar input card

Cambridge Pixel (, a developer of primary radar, acquisition, processing and display solutions, has introduced the HPx-200, a high performance PCI-based primary radar acquisition card.

Cambridge Pixel

The HPx-200 interfaces to a wide range of primary radar signals with versatile input to accommodate analogue and digital radar video types, trigger and azimuth (ACP/ARP and parallel data) signals.

Capturing one or two channels of video at up to 50 MHz using high-precision analogue to digital converters at 12 bits resolution, the HPx-200 uses an FPGA for pre-processing of the radar video prior to transfer through the PCI bus to the client software. The onboard FPGA also offers capability for expanding the data processing functions for customised applications.

Radar trigger and azimuth signals may be differential or discrete, with support for opto-coupled inputs for improved noise immunity and software programmable thresholds for ease of configuration. The HPx-200 also features an optional end-of-range signal to terminate sampling.

  • HPx-200 supports a wide range of radars and features dual analogue video inputs with trigger, ACP/ARP or parallel azimuth data.
  • HPx-200 features onboard FPGA, 12 bit analogue radar capture, 50 MHz sample rate, improved noise immunity and end-of-range signal sampling.

The HPx-200 is fully supported under Windows and Linux and is available with supporting software from a C/C++ board support package to complete radar processing servers or client display applications.

David Johnson, managing director of Cambridge Pixel, said: “The HPx-200 radar input card is an ideal capture solution for customers running their own processing software. However, when used with our SPx software library, customers can build complete radar processing solutions by combining library modules with their own application software.”

Cambridge Pixel’s HPx-200 is part of a family of radar acquisition and processing components that provide system integrators with a powerful toolkit to build server and client display systems. The company’s SPx suite of software libraries and applications provides highly flexible, ready-to-run software products for radar visualisation, radar video distribution, plot extraction and target tracking.

Cambridge Pixel is a leading supplier of primary radar processing solutions and its engineering team has decades of experience of developing complex radar processing and display systems for naval, air traffic control, vessel traffic, security and airborne radar applications.

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